Great Places to Go Kayaking Around Canberra


Kayaking is a great way to get out and enjoy nature while getting some very much needed exercise. If you live in Canberra or the surrounding areas, you might be wondering where the best places are to go kayaking if you don't have much experience. Here are some tips.  Easy Year-Round Kayaking on Lake Burley Griffin Lake Burley Griffin has a generous shoreline that lends itself to year round kayaking. More experienced kayakers often use the route as a chance to build up some speed skills where beginner kayakers use it to build some endurance.

28 June 2017

Synthetic Grass Bootcamp Training

Recreation & Sports Blog

Synthetic grass tennis courts make for great outdoor gyms if you're a personal trainer. You do not need to just be playing tennis to reap the benefits they offer in terms of sheer space for creating interesting and varied workouts. The synthetic grass is preferable over concrete because it provides an element of shock resistance for the knees. These courts are also very low maintenance and the tennis court markings offer ready made points for activities such as bootcamp circuits.

30 September 2016