Learning to Enjoy Your Body

For many years, I didn't use my body. My name is Stan and this is the story of how I discovered the joy of exercise and sports. As a little kid, I hated my body. I was overweight and I found running around a football pitch very tiring. The other kids would tease me and I would want to cry. I reacted to this by hiding away and eating chocolate bars, which did nothing to improve my weight. A couple of years ago, I made friends with this guy who suggested I start power walking. I did and I lost a few pounds. Then I started running and eventually found the sport I love: Tennis! I hope you enjoy my blog.

Two Tips for Those Who Have Decided to Take Up Fishing

Recreation & Sports Blog

Fishing can be a very relaxing and enjoyable hobby. If you've decided to learn how to fish, here are a couple of tips which you may find useful.

Be safety conscious

It is absolutely essential to be fully aware of the hazards associated with fishing and to take precautions to ensure that you remain safe during each of your fishing trips.

First and foremost, you must wear a life jacket whenever you use a boat for fishing. This will ensure that if you fall out of the boat into rough, choppy waters and find yourself becoming disoriented, you will still be able to stay afloat on the surface of the water.

Secondly, you should check the weather reports before each fishing trip and only head out onto the water if the forecast does not indicate that there is any chance of strong winds or heavy rain, as even a brief bout of stormy weather could cause your boat to capsize.

Thirdly, be careful when handling your fishing equipment; make sure to position and remove hooks slowly so that they don't get stuck in the skin of your hands.

Lastly, bring along the items you will need to protect yourself from the elements. If for example, you'll be fishing on a cold day, make sure to wear plenty of layers and waterproof outwear, and take a flask of hot tea or coffee along with you. This is important, as sitting still for hours on end in very cold temperatures could result in you developing hypothermia.

Likewise, if you intend to go fishing on a particularly hot day, bring along sunscreen, plenty of bottled water and a portable umbrella to shield yourself from the heat of the sun.

Abide by the law

It is important to make sure that you abide by the relevant laws if you decide to take up fishing.

Firstly, depending on where you live, you may need to purchase a recreational fishing license before you can head out onto the water. It is absolutely essential to obtain this documentation prior to taking up this hobby; if you are caught fishing without a license, you could receive a hefty fine.

Secondly, you must ensure that you only fish in the country's official fishing zones; again, choosing to fish outside of these areas could result in you being fined or taken to court.

Last but not least, you should not exceed the maximum limits in regards to how many fish you can catch per day. These limits will vary, depending on whether you're fishing in saltwater or freshwater, and as such, you should obtain this information before you choose to fish in a particular spot.


25 October 2017