Learning to Enjoy Your Body

For many years, I didn't use my body. My name is Stan and this is the story of how I discovered the joy of exercise and sports. As a little kid, I hated my body. I was overweight and I found running around a football pitch very tiring. The other kids would tease me and I would want to cry. I reacted to this by hiding away and eating chocolate bars, which did nothing to improve my weight. A couple of years ago, I made friends with this guy who suggested I start power walking. I did and I lost a few pounds. Then I started running and eventually found the sport I love: Tennis! I hope you enjoy my blog.

How Adults Can Gain Just As Much From Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes As Children, If Not More

Recreation & Sports Blog

Martial arts are a great social event that many people enjoy spending time in on a weekly basis. Often they are seen as an entry-level sport for children to get involved in, and in those cases, they do provide a lot of benefits for younger practitioners. However, Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes are available for virtually any age group, and many adults find that this is a great sport to get involved in when compared to other martial arts or fighting types. Here are three reasons why adults can often get more out of their BJJ (Brazilian jiu jitsu) classes than their children can.

Intense Cardio Workout

When sparring and practising, children will be going through routines that are much less draining on the body. Obviously, that is mainly because children do not have the capacity for extraneous exercise yet, but adults do. If you are looking for a full-core workout that will help increase your maximum cardio output then BJJ is the martial art for you. Because it involves a lot of close-quarter techniques like grappling and many types of submissions, it is different to martial arts that are more about striking. This makes it a much better workout and reduces the risk of impact-related injuries.

There's Fighting And Then There Is Fighting

For someone who has never been in a fight, it may appear that to win most of the altercations or sparring sessions you get into, you need big muscles and height advantage, and that alone makes you the favourite to win. For those who actually train in martial arts, and specifically BJJ, they know that fighting is much more to do with form, training and experience. If you know how to absorb and react to most of the strikes and attacking manoeuvres your opponent will make, as you learn in BJJ, then you can fight and win encounters with people much larger than you.

Focus And Patience

Learning a new martial art, particularly one as intense as BJJ, is not something that you get good at overnight. It requires focus under pressure and patience with yourself as your body slowly gets to the point where the mind thinks it should be. This sort of training can be converted into your daily life, and many people who take up BJJ find that they are better at maintaining discipline in all areas of life, from their diet to their office and working environment. Learning these traits in a fun environment can make them much more readily available in more serious or mundane areas of your life, too. 

For more information, check out local Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes.


24 August 2021